The Oscars this year were pretty grim. The show is looking tired, Billy Crystal had cobwebs on him and there was a huge glitch with the sound. Not fun. I don’t know why an industry built on entertaining audiences can’t put on a show for one evening, but I’m sure there’s a very good reason. I mean, you have Muppets at your disposal – use them.
I know the Academy can’t control the winners, but there was some crazy shit going on this year. They completely snubbed THE TREE OF LIFE, which is an ambitious and rewarding piece of art/dinosaur footage that should be celebrated. So too should RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES – with a monkey that looked so much like a monkey I couldn’t tell it wasn’t a monkey. Flawless. MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE GHOST PROTOCOL lived up to it’s name because the majority of voters don’t believe it exists. Same goes for SUBMARINE, ATTACK THE BLOCK and DRIVE, which were all exceptional, but completely forgotten about in favour of THE ARTIST, which in a few years will look like to stupidest choice for best picture since CRASH.
So I’m metaphorically joining Sacha Baron-Cohen by dumping Bisquik on to Ryan Seacrest (except in my version it’s hot burning oil), and I say boo to the Oscars in 2012. It was like a circus act crossed with a wake.
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